One Little Finger,” an important and inspiring movie promoting the message of “ability in disability.” This week was the The Red Carpet Premier! https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn081919.mp3
Everything Special Needs
One Little Finger,” an important and inspiring movie promoting the message of “ability in disability.” This week was the The Red Carpet Premier! https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn081919.mp3
We talked with TOPSports and a few surprise buddies were With coach Troy S Memis Hear about this amazing sports program. https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn081219.mp3
We talked to Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic on how he can help with various special needs. https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn080519.mp3
We heard the inspiring story of Sarah Tuberty. Sarah has a congenital limb difference. She has dedicated herself to learning and speaking about the disability stigma. Sarah is in school to be an Occupational Therapist, and also works as a …
We talked to Mark Moore about the wonderful things he is doing in the special needs community thru martial arts. We will also heard the latest from Sean our summer intern. https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn072219.mp3
We talked to Jessica Krill of Beach Days For All. This organization helps towns create better beach access for people with disabilities, elderly, and any other mobility issues. We also talked to Mark Vonberg from the MRC Sports Unity Program …
We heared about a very inspiring special needs service coming up in August and about other Jewish Federation things from Eric and Linda Newman. https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn070819.mp3
Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic. https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn070119.mp3
We will be talking to Trinity Jagdeo of “From We Can’t to We Can” about all of the great work she is doing in the special needs community and how you can get involved. https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn062419.mp3
We talked disability advocate Barbara Coppens. https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn061719.mp3