2019 Show Archive
12-30-2019 2019 year end review.
The 2019 year in review is brought to you by Just2Moms, Avenues to Independent Living, Dedicated Home Care, Christine Matus Law firm, All Metro Health Care, Guardianship Assistance Program, and Back to Life Chiropractic-Dr. Rick Brown.
2-23-2019 Swari shared her daughter Siri’s story and journey thru autism with her remarkable work with designs by Siri. Then at 6:30 we heared from our featured sponsor of the week! TheK9withinLLC Isaac Mass joined us to tell us about his dog training services as as therapy dogs. 1-21-2019
2-23-2019 Swari shared her daughter Siri’s story and journey thru autism with her remarkable work with designs by Siri. Then at 6:30 we heared from our featured sponsor of the week! TheK9withinLLC Isaac Mass joined us to tell us about his dog training services as as therapy dogs. 1-21-2019
We talked to Joan Clark of Avenues to Independent Living.
We talked to Erin Epstein. Erin has turned heartbreak into purpose and we heard her touching story. 12-9-2019 We spoke to Adam Roth who does a great job with the work ready program at Moorestown High School as well as the special needs Religious School program at M’Kor Shalom in Cherry Hill. 12-2-2019 We spoke to Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic. He shared his holiday wishes and year end reflections as well. 11-25-2019 We spoke to two very special advocates who we are very thankful for. Deb Jaffe and Larry Kaplan joined us. 11-11-2019 Veterans show. 11-18-2019 1st up-we learned about the new social group-Support/Socialization/Smiles Group-SSS. They have an important Public Transportation Seminar coming up among other fun events. Ari joined us tonight. We also talked to Trinity Jagdeo, who just received a Humanitarian Award for all of her wonderful work in the special needs community. 11-4-2019 We talked to Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic. 10-28-2019 October is national developmental disabilities employment awareness month. we talked to one of the most amazing advocates I know-Barbara Coppers. 10-21-2019 In 2018 Elmwood Park Zoo became the 1st Zoo in the Nation to become Autism Certified. Since that time they have worked very hard to help make their institution more accessible to many different types of audiences. On 1-21-19 we were joined by Laura Houston. Laura is the Director of Education at Elmwood Park Zoo. 10-14-2019 We spoke with the group “You’re Not Alone.” 10-7-2019 We talked to Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic on how chiropractic care can help with various special needs. 9-23-2019 We talked to Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic on how chiropractic care can help with various special needs. 9-16-2019 We talked to Anthony Johnson about travel training and safety. Anthony shared some insights from the summer conference he attended. We also talked to Christopher Beck about starting at Rowan College this fall and starting a new season of Rowan Unified Sports. 9-9-2019 we heard from Luke’s Place-providing much needed services to the 21 and over special needs community. 9-2-2019 We talked to Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic on how chiropractic care can help with various special needs. Dr. Rick shared some back to school tips. 8-26-2019 We talked to Daryl DiTroia about the Special Olympic Floor Hockey program and how you can register. Daryl will also talk about other special needs sports programs that are available. 8-19-2019 One Little Finger,” an important and inspiring movie promoting the message of “ability in disability.” This week was the The Red Carpet Premier! 8-12-2019 We talked with TOPSports and a few surprise buddies were With coach Troy S Memis Hear about this amazing sports program. 8-5-2019 We talked to Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic on how he can help with various special needs. 7-29-2019 We heard the inspiring story of Sarah Tuberty. Sarah has a congenital limb difference. She has dedicated herself to learning and speaking about the disability stigma. Sarah is in school to be an Occupational Therapist, and also works as a flight attendant. Sarah has just helped to write a comic book where all the characters have their limb differences in their “Superhero bodies.” 7-22-2019 We talked to Mark Moore about the wonderful things he is doing in the special needs community thru martial arts. We will also heard the latest from Sean our summer intern. 7-15-2019 We talked to Jessica Krill of Beach Days For All. This organization helps towns create better beach access for people with disabilities, elderly, and any other mobility issues. We also talked to Mark Vonberg from the MRC Sports Unity Program about some exciting opportunities to be involved in sports. We also heared from Sean our summer intern! 7-8-2019 We heared about a very inspiring special needs service coming up in August and about other Jewish Federation things from Eric and Linda Newman. 7-1-2019 Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic. 6-24-2019 We will be talking to Trinity Jagdeo of “From We Can’t to We Can” about all of the great work she is doing in the special needs community and how you can get involved. 6-17-2019 We talked disability advocate Barbara Coppens. 6-10-2019 1st up-We talked to Jon Yard about the great work he is doing with students with disabilities on the college level. Then we talked to Max Lenet about his recent trip to Israel and all that he accomplished this year. 6-3-2019 Should you consider chiropractor care as one of your options for treatment for various special needs? 5-27-2019 We where joined by Sean Kenney and we talked about SPORTS! Sean is a young man with special needs and loves to talk sports on the radio so we are going to make that happen tonight. He loves the Yankees and has got his stats ready. He loves the NFL as well. 5-20-2019 Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month is going on from May 15-June 15. We talked to Scott Loeff about some of the wonderful programs he is involved in and resources he can share. Scott told us about a camp he is running in Illinois as well. 5-13-2019 We heard from a panel of Moms who will shared their experiences of how they also help others. 5-6-2019 Chiropractic care help with hearing or speech? Find out with Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic. Also, we are celebrating 5 years on the air ! 4-29-2019 Wetalked to Lachele Jenkins, who has done some amazing work in the special needs community. Lachele talked about how she empowers children, parents, and the entire family. She shared some valuable resources. 4-22-2019 We talked to Debra Wallace of the Autism Cares Foundation. We also talked to Autism Certified Fitness Instructor Bryan Adams about a free autism boot camp he’s got going on. 4-15-2019 we talked to Danielle Foley about the event for her amazing daugher “Miracle for Molly.” We also talked to Jason Joseph who is doing some great things in sports broadcasting at Rowan University, while dealing with a disability. 4-8-2019 Julia was on Sesame Street this morning, getting a haircut. We talked about that! The Eagles held their Huddle Up for Autsim Event, we’ve got Matteo Iadonisi-our former producer-who did some amazing work with that and shared his experience. Anthony Johnson, Deputy Director of the Partnership TMA joined us to talk about some of the things he learned while attending the 12th Annual Gwynedd Mercy Autism Fair this weekend. Anthony also address some of the issues that were brought up with AccessLink earlier this month on the show. 4-1-2019 We where joined by Dr Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic. Question: Is it ethical for an in-home ABA therapy company to abruptly switch your therapist to another case with no notice and not have another therapist lined up? Should they give you the respect of 2 weeks notice? Is there a way to regulate them or can they not be regulated because they are a private company? Does loyalty matter anymore? We discussed this topic. 3-25-2019 We talked to John Woodruff-Director, Academic Success Center and Disability Resources at Rowan University. John filled us in on some valuable resources available as well as the upcoming ASD day on campus. https://www.podcastgarden.com/login/audio-6/6700/esn032519.mp 3-18-2019 We talked to Eric Littleton about a book dedicated to his son called Solomon’s Gift. We also talked to some very special Ainsley’s Angels about this past weekend’s experience. 3-11-2019 March is disability awareness month. We talked to advocate Barbara Coppens about some very important issues for adults with disabilities. 3-4-2019 We taked to Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic about how he can help with various special needs. 2-25-20 Dentistry for Special People was our guest tonight! Listen to Dr. Abraham and Dr. Wild talk how Dentistry for Special People serves the special needs community. 2-18-2019 We talked to Mike Fogel from Art of Friendship Coping Program and Camp Pegasus. 2-11-2019 All-Metro Health Care was a sponsor of the 2018 Year in Review. Tonight Debbie from All-Metro Health Care in Cherry Hill joined us to talk about the various services they provide to the special needs community. 2-4-2019 We were joined by Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic. At 6:30 we were joined by Laura Bekier who talked about how Dr. Rick has helped her and she will share her success at the Special Olympics playing basketball this weekend. 1-28-2019 Swari shared her daughter Siri’s story and journey thru autism with her remarkable work with designs by Siri. Then at 6:30 we heared from our featured sponsor of the week! TheK9withinLLC Isaac Mass joined us to tell us about his dog training services as as therapy dogs. 1-21-2019We talked to Joan Clark of Avenues to Independent Living.
1-14-2019 Clarity Psychiatric Care in Haddonfield, NJ was a Grand Slam Sponsor of the Everything Special Needs Radio Show Year in Review! They were LIVE on the radio show talking about how they serve the special needs communit. 1-7-2019 A very inspiring show to kick off 2019 . Shawna shared her story about her special needs journey. She also shared how chiropractic care has helped her with Dr. Rick Brown of Back to Life Chiropractic who be joined us .